

A college is an educational institution that offers academic degrees. Colleges can be private institutions, part of a university, or offer vocational education. They can offer a variety of programs or specialize in a specific area. Colleges can also be secondary schools.

College can also refer to any education that takes place after high school and leads to a certificate, diploma, or degree. Community colleges, career technical colleges, business colleges, and some four-year colleges offer certificates and diplomas.

Some skills that college students should know include :

  •  Time management
  •  Stress management
  •  Study skills
  •  Money management
  •  Assertiveness skills.
  •  Well-developed self care skills
  •  Keeping safe and avoiding risky behaviors
  •  Seeking assistance when needed

Some say that college can help students :

  •  Invest in themselves
  •  Build knowledge and skills
  •  Discover new passions
  •  Bond with new friends
  •  Prepare for a future in which they're better equipped to give back.